
Sentry Hub has been deprecated in since version 7.110.0

Closed this issue · 4 comments

According to these docs the Hub object that Toucan's main class extends has been deprecated since Sentry v7.110.0

I'm using Hono with @hono/sentry that integrates Toucan and the following both yield deprecation warnings

c.get('sentry').setContext({ ... })

How can we access the new Sentry object? Should Toucan be extending the new Sentry object? Should we use @sentry/node?

Will be patched in the next version. Thanks for raising.

I'm working on a PR to update to v8 of the Sentry libs

Can someone guide me on how to do this with toucan v4:

const sentry = new Toucan({
    dsn: process.env.SENTRY_DNS,
    context: context.event,
sentry.~~setTag~~('server', true)

Both setTag and captureException are marked as @deprecated — Use Sentry.captureException() instead. not sure how to do that with toucan now