
An iOS demo project that uses enums to define accessibility identifiers for UI testing

Primary LanguageSwift


This project demonstrates how to share accessibility identifiers, defined as enums, between your app and UI tests in iOS.

Set Up

The first thing you need to do is create a static library for your acessibility types:

File -> New -> Target -> Static Library -> AccessibilityTypes

Navigate to your project file. You need to link the new library to your app and UI test targets. Do this for both targets:



Now let's use this screen as an example.


Add a new file to the AccessibilityTypes target and define your accessibilty enum. Make sure it is public.

public enum WelcomeAccessibility: String {
    case loginButton
    case createAccountButton

From the file inspector, ensure that target membership is applied to the static library.


In your view controller file, define a fileprivate extension to UIAccessibilityIdentification that implements a computed property wrapping the accessibilityIdentifier property.

fileprivate extension UIAccessibilityIdentification {
    var testID: WelcomeAccessibility? {
        get { fatalError() }
        set { accessibilityIdentifier = newValue?.rawValue }

And don't forget to import the static library:

import AccessibilityTypes

Also in your view controller file, define a method that configures accessibility your all of your view components. Then call the method from viewDidLoad().

private func configureAccessibility() {
    loginButton.testID = .loginButton
    createAccountButton.testID = .createAccountButton

Now let's shift our attention to the test case. But first, let's implement a handy extension that allows us to use the accessibility enum as a subscript key.

extension XCUIElementQuery {
    subscript(key: WelcomeAccessibility) -> XCUIElement {

And finally, let's write the test case!

func testLoginFlow() {
    let app = XCUIApplication()
    // ... Add more test code ...
