
A First Release and some context

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have inexplicably got home from work to find a bunch of stars and a fork of ducker, as well as a request for a license to be added!

This started as a "lets learn a bit more rust" and I thought of "k9s for docker" as a fist project idea.

Over the past few weeks I've hacked together the first steps towards the "k9s for docker" TUI app, and have decided to rush out a tag/release to allow the various people who have happened across the project to try it out simply (and to "claim" my name on - I love the name ducker! ASCII-art ducks incoming at some point!)

There isn't currently any CI or automated release, nor have I given any serious thought to distributing binaries, but I've got an initial set of features I'd like to add here.

I'd love any feedback or ideas for things to add etc, so please do share them!

orhun commented

Hey, thanks for sharing your retrospective & ideas about this awesome project! 🦆

I have inexplicably got home from work to find a bunch of stars and a fork of ducker

I might have something to do with it, since it's been posted on Ratatui socials :)

but I've got an initial set of features I'd like to add here.

This looks pretty good to me. I think ducker has a lot of potential when it comes to becoming a "container management framework" of some sort.

For some inspiration, I recommend checking out oxker which is in the same field as ducker.

I will be watching closely and might contribute (e.g. CI/automation) things. The future is exciting! 🚀

I might have something to do with it, since it's been posted on Ratatui socials :)

Ahh thanks very much!

For some inspiration, I recommend checking out oxker which is in the same field as ducker.

I will take a look!