Crash in `DRAW` statement on type mismatch in linked variable
arthurcazevedo opened this issue · 3 comments
Bug report
Trying to run a program with DRAW statement
- open pc-basic
- load the program with LOAD statement
07 S1$="60"
09 S2$="120"
10 D$ = "F=S1$; L=S2$; E=S1$; BD30 P1,2 BU30 E=S1$; L=S2$; F=S1$; BU30 P1,2"
20 DRAW "X" + VARPTR$(D$)
Crash log
PC-BASIC crash log
version 2.0.6 [v2.0.6 08b78d7 2022-08-03 21:43:38.265384]
python 3.7.9 [32bit WindowsPE] True
platform Windows-10-10.0.22000
interface VideoSDL2, AudioSDL2
statement 20 DRAW "X" + VARPTR$(D$), draw_, _draw, _draw, parse_number
AttributeError: 'String' object has no attribute 'to_int'
This is a bug in PC-BASIC.
Sorry about that. You can help improve PC-BASIC:
Please file a bug report, including this message and the steps you took
just before the crash. Go to: -
Please include the full crash log in your report.
You can paste it from the clipboard or from the file at:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\", line 41, in protect
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\", line 105, in run_session
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\", line 149, in interact
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\", line 313, in interact
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\", line 124, in loop
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\", line 114, in parse
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\parser\", line 82, in parse_statement
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\display\", line 1007, in draw
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\display\", line 1030, in _draw
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\display\", line 1068, in _draw
File "C:\pc-basic\pcbasic\basic\", line 43, in parse_number
AttributeError: 'String' object has no attribute 'to_int'
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==== Scalars =======================================================================================
b'S1$': b'$'[b'027f12' b'60']
b'S2$': b'$'[b'038c12' b'120']
b'D$': b'$'[b'429b12' b'F=S1$; L=S2$; E=S1$; BD30 P1,2 BU30 E=S1$; L=S2$; F=S1$; BU30 P1,2']
==== Arrays ========================================================================================
==== Strings =======================================================================================
fdfa: bytearray(b'\x03\x07\x13')
fdf6: bytearray(b'X\x03\x07\x13')
==== Program Buffer ================================================================================
00 7612 (+008) 0500 [00005] c820130083120700533124e7223630220091120900533224e7223132302200df120a00442420e72022463d5331243b204c3d5332243b20453d5331243b20424433302050312c32204255333020453d5331243b204c3d5332243b20463d5331243b20425533302050312c322200f3121400fe922022582220e920da2428442429000000
00 8312 (+013) 0700 [00007] 533124e7223630220091120900533224e7223132302200df120a00442420e72022463d5331243b204c3d5332243b20453d5331243b20424433302050312c32204255333020453d5331243b204c3d5332243b20463d5331243b20425533302050312c322200f3121400fe922022582220e920da2428442429000000
00 9112 (+014) 0900 [00009] 533224e7223132302200df120a00442420e72022463d5331243b204c3d5332243b20453d5331243b20424433302050312c32204255333020453d5331243b204c3d5332243b20463d5331243b20425533302050312c322200f3121400fe922022582220e920da2428442429000000
00 df12 (+078) 0a00 [00010] 442420e72022463d5331243b204c3d5332243b20453d5331243b20424433302050312c32204255333020453d5331243b204c3d5332243b20463d5331243b20425533302050312c322200f3121400fe922022582220e920da2428442429000000
00 f312 (+020) 1400 [00020] fe922022582220e920da2428442429000000
00 0000 (ENDS)
==== Program =======================================================================================
7 S1$="60"
9 S2$="120"
10 D$ = "F=S1$; L=S2$; E=S1$; BD30 P1,2 BU30 E=S1$; L=S2$; F=S1$; BU30 P1,2"
20 DRAW "X" + VARPTR$(D$)
==== Options =======================================================================================
PC-BASIC version: as above
Operating system version: Windows 11 21H2
Thanks for reporting! This is indeed a bug as it should not crash.
Note (perhaps needless to say) that this program won't run even if the bug is fixed, as the variables linked in D$
should be numeric, not string. So the correct response from PC-BASIC would be Type mismatch in 20
Thank you for the fast response.
Change the variables to numeric works.
I'm using PC-Basic to learn the DRAW statement instead other basic interpreter in a DOS VM or DOS emulator to honor this project and help to find bugs. My intent is to implement something like DRAW in a modern environment, perhaps in a game engine.
And thank you to keep this memory of the good old times of PC history.
Fixed by bb2af3b