
feature request: fuzzy search

jharonfe opened this issue · 6 comments

Cool project. Was wondering if there are plans to support some kind of search, or fuzzy search, from the tui ? If this is already supported, I didn't see it in the examples.

Not currently supported, but should totally be possible!

Charm has a list bubble that has filter behavior when tapping /, this is actually used for the change extension file options in snips. Could definitely emulate this behavior for the file selector.

I'm just thinking out loud... maybe this is not among the primary use cases but I'd really like to store and manage my snipppets through snpis. Therefore a search would indeed be indispensable, so I second to the idea. Moreover, having the list of IDs in the left plane doesn't help the visibility and searchability either. So being able to name (or even tag) the snippets somehow would be a nice addition.

This project really caught my heart btw. 🤟

Yea named snips would definitely be a better experience (description too?)

Should be relatively easy to add to the database. My only worry is horizontal space in the terminal window, need to think about how to display snippets by name without it taking up too much space 🤔

I believe the length of the name can be quite restricted, yet the string remains useful, to fit into the left pane. Description is a good idea and the perfect candidate for the right pane.

Hey there, if this issue (add a "description" field) to the table view, I would like to work on it !

any update perhaps?