
Help with baselines format and use

eternauta123 opened this issue · 0 comments

Fantastic tool, thanks for sharing!
I use tool only for visualization and I´m not finding the way to show base lines…
For example:
I have 3 versions of project:
001 Baseline
002 Current
S01 Simulation project (to plan changes before applying)

I want to use baseline to show two version at same time, so if I want to check simulation (S01) version,to compare with current (002) I want to be able to see
task S01.01 start 10/09 finish 15/09 (simulation version)
task 002.01 start 05/09 finish 10/09 (current version)
Is it possible: if it is, copuld you post an example of json format for baselines array?

I´ve tried format below without succes:
“baselines”:[{3:{“taskId”: “3”,”start”:0,”end”:0,”status”:”STATUS_SUSPENDED”, “progress”: 10}}] // contains {taskId:{taskId,start,end,status,progress}}

Thank you very much!