
This is a plugin to Leaflet.Draw to allow adding/moving/removing custom SVG files on a leaflet map.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a plugin to Leaflet.Draw to allow adding/moving/removing custom SVG files on a leaflet map.
It allows to define a SVG as XML text, and converts it into an SVG object that can be displayed by leaflet as an editable feature.


  • Leaflet version 0.7 or higher
  • Leaflet.Draw version 0.4 or higher


example 1: basic example for adding an SVG to the map
example 2: example that shows how to add a local SVG file via a modal dialog

Both demos add a square icon to the bottom of the 'add' toolbar (on the top-left of the map), in the form of a square with a diagonal line. Click this icon to trigger the plugin

Including the plugin

Add the following code to your HTML to inlcude the plugin;

<script src='lib/leaflet.draw.svg.js' crossorigin=''></script>
<link href='css/leaflet.draw.svg.css' rel='stylesheet' crossorigin=''/>

Usage example

Ensure L.map uses the L.svg renderer

Initialise the L.Draw.Svg.enable function with the svg we want to draw. here we can also include a dialog and such for selection

var leafletmap = L.map('map', { 
  renderer: L.svg()

You can override the L.Draw.Svg class, to hook into the draw-routine and add your own data, or dialog box, like so:

  enable: function(){
    this._svgViewBox = "calculate";
    this._svgFitBounds = true;
    this._scale = 0.006;
    this._template = "<line y2=\"153.934719\" x2=\"266\" y1=\"93.434721\" x1=\"266\" stroke-width=\"1.5\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" fill=\"none\"/>\n\n<g>\n<title>PTR</title>\n<ellipse ry=\"18\" rx=\"18\" cy=\"171.753014\" cx=\"266\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"1.5\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" fill=\"none\"/>\n<text stroke=\"#ffffff\"  xml:space=\"preserve\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-family=\"Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\" font-size=\"24\" y=\"186.66199\" x=\"296\" stroke-width=\"null\" fill=\"#ffffff\">T1</text>\n<ellipse id=\"svg_T1_b\" ry=\"18\" rx=\"18\" cy=\"196.290907\" cx=\"266\" fill-opacity=\"null\" stroke-width=\"1.5\" stroke=\"#ffffff\" fill=\"none\"/>\n</g>\n\n<line stroke=\"#ffffff\" stroke-linecap=\"undefined\" stroke-linejoin=\"undefined\" y2=\"256.43483\" x2=\"266\" y1=\"214.934859\" x1=\"266\" stroke-width=\"1.5\" fill=\"none\"/>";

    // call the actual enable function to allow drawing on the map



L.SvgObject(svgString, bounds, uuid, options) instantiate a new SVG object. 
Arguments are;  
 - svgString     SVG XML data  
 - bounds        SVG bounds on map  
 - uuid          optional UUID for identifying the SVG-object later  
 - options       described below  


		viewBox: false,
		fitBounds: false, 
		scaleBounds: 1.0 


  • viewbox can be x y w h to directly set viewBox attribute of svg, false to use bounds instead, or calculate to derive from svg bbox


  • false means bounds are used directly, true means only center latlng of bounds are used, and actual bounds are fit to bbox of svg


  • scale the size of the svg bounds on the map



  • ajust bounds to SVG vieBox measures


  • get svg latitude and longtitude from bounds center


  • set SVG(center) latitude and longtitude by ajusting bounds

All other methods inherited from L.SVGOverlay

L.Draw.Svg adjustable properties

The following properties of the L.Draw.Svg instance can be modified, to change the SvgObject properties to draw when the toolbar is clicked.


  • bounds of the svg object on the map


  • viewbox can be "x y w h" to directly set viewBox attribute of svg, 'false' to use bounds values instead, or "calculate" to derive from svg bbox


  • false means bounds are used directly, true means only center latlng of bounds are used, and actual bounds are fit to bbox of svg


  • scale the size of the svg bounds on the map


  • containts SVG data