
PCB idea

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Robin, love the project going to order one this week.

But regarding the PCB I would like to ask a question about the use of these via's while a direct connection can be made :)

another thing I would advise is the use of Reliefs for PTH components

There is also a GND via which goes to nowhere

kind regards,

Hey Oscar!

But regarding the PCB I would like to ask a question about the use of these via's while a direct connection can be made :)

Adding those vias was intentional. The top layer is GND and is used to shield the backside of the motor since this board is soldered directly to it. I am trying to ke
ep the top layer intact as much as I can. It becomes a little more clear when looking at the front CU layer only.

CleanShot 2023-02-01 at 10 34 46@2x

another thing I would advise is the use of Reliefs for PTH components

Whats the reason for it? If I do that I lose the regular thermal relief.

There is also a GND via which goes to nowhere

Good catch! Removed it :)

Thermal relief is only necassary for through hole components were there is a lot of copper which have to be heated. For the best overall performance of decoupling and such, is to get as low inductance in your path, so thermal reliefs should only be used for through hole components.

using the option as mentioned in the picture, you only get thermal reliefs for through hole components.