Problem uploading files to Dropbox folder
alexyang21 opened this issue · 0 comments
First of all, thanks for creating this gem. I've been a big fan of the paperclip-dropbox gem (even created tutorial videos on it for my students at However, given many of the issues that the latest paperclip version has created for Windows users, I'm considering switching over to carrierwave for my next course and this gem seems like it could be a great fit.
I believe I've followed the installation and setup instructions pretty carefully, but I'm having trouble getting images to upload to my Dropbox folder. Everything worked fine using carrierwave alone, and I had no trouble getting the rake task to work. My image_uploader.rb file has 'storage :dropbox' set and my config/initializers/carrierwave.rb file has all the settings filled in (I'm using the 'app_folder' option if that matters).
When I upload an image, I'm noticing that my Dropbox folder has a new folder directory created at '/Apps/APPNAME/uploads/MODEL/image/1/', but the file itself isn't uploaded. No error is given while uploading, but trying to access the file with 'image_tag' results in "ActionView::Template::Error (Path '/Apps/APPNAME/uploads/MODEL/image/1/FILENAME.jpg' not found)". If it helps, the relevant param I see when the form is submitted is the following:
"image"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x007fc8ef049ad8 @tempfile=#<Tempfile:/var/folders/49/88yb4j0j70qfmb3wjwjj4jc80000gn/T/RackMultipart20140707-5214-1poq8gt>
Any help would be greatly appreciated!