
Benchmark of different solutions for vanity number challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Vanity Numbers

This repository contains benchmarks for 6 different solutions of vanity number code challenge.

⚠️ All solutions were intentionally designed to prevent caching of the dictionary into the memory when we do multiple searches, as I was primarilly interested about cold start of the script. ⚠️


Ruby 3


bundle install # install gems
./benchmark 2 # run a benchmark for 2 vanity numbers


Solution 1

Iterates over every word in dictionary and calculates its Number representation. If calculated number and number we are looking for are equal, it push the word to words array.

Solution 2

Loads dictionary file into the memory. Builds hash structure where all words are grouped by its Number representation.

  "966" => ["won", "woo", "yom", "yon", "zoo"]

Finding words is then simple read from the hash

Solution 3

Pre-process dictionary file by splitting it into the smaller chunks. Groups all words by its first letter Number representation.

Finding all words then happen same way as in solution 1, but it is way more faster because it does not need to iterate over whole dictionary.

Solution 4

Similar to solution 1, but speeds up the matching algorithm by adding extra condition to check Numberrepresentation of first letter of the word.

Solution 5

Pre-process dictionary file and stores it as json file where all words are grouped by its Number representation. When searching for matching words, it first loads json file to the memory and transform it to hash. Then it simply fetch the appropriate key.

Solution 6

Pre-process dictionary file by putting all related words to the same line. Finding all words then means to iterate over file lines as in solution1, match first occurency and return whole line.

Benchmark results

       user     system      total        real
Solution1  2.375584   0.007557   2.383141 (  2.383282)
Solution2  2.986630   0.023007   3.009637 (  3.009674)
Solution3  0.527724   0.002989   0.530713 (  0.530761)
Solution4  0.721435   0.003379   0.724814 (  0.724823)
Solution5  0.346622   0.006991   0.353613 (  0.353634)
Solution6  0.508624   0.011357   0.519981 (  0.519987)

The fastest solution in our case is Solution5. Which might be caused by usage of oj JSON serializer which is known for its great performance.

Second and third are solutions 6 and 3, but theirs performance might vary based on the numbers we are searching for.

The worst solution in this case seems to be solution 2 , which loads whole file into memory and transform it into the hash.