
Error while updating property in shadow node

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I have a problem augmenting a <Row> component from react-native-easy-grid with some custom styles.

My versions:

  • glamorous-native version: 1.1.0
  • react-native version: 0.44.2
  • react version: 16.0.0-alpha.6
import glamorous from 'glamorous-native';
import { Row } from 'react-native-easy-grid';

export const StyledRow = glamorous(Row)(props => ({
  marginLeft: props.margin ? 16 : 0,


<StyledRow margin>[...]</StyledRow>

What happened:

Any idea?

Interesting.. Can you verify that the following works if you were to style this normally?

<Row style={{margin: 16}}>[...]</Row>

There seems to be a lot going on when it comes to computing properties in that library.

Before diving into their code, I'd like to first make sure that you can normally set a margin, such that doing so with glamorous-native yields an unexpected problem

It's running fine now - I made an upgrade to react 45.0, maybe it's related to this.