
Cannot clear screen / No colors

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I really love this tool but this tool is missing a few features.

  • I was able to clear screen with Ctrl + L with regular combination of rlwrap and ncat. I am not able to do the same with this.
  • There are no colors (with simple commands like ls -la. cannot highlight executables.)
  • What's wrong with arrow keys

Try with the -H flag which enables "History". I would consider this a bad description of what it actually does. It makes arrows-, history- and command- completion work. A better, more descriptive name for this feature would be "Interactive" since that basically is what it does. Now change your command to instead start with 'rcat -lHp'. This should theoretically work.

With -H flag I am not having any issues. It works. Thanks.
Possible to add Ctrl + L to clear screen?

I am unsure. I'll see what I can do anyways.