

Ceztio opened this issue · 2 comments

Am getting a MemoryError. Am running a system with 32GB RAM and 28GB is not used by anything.

Enter a directory/name to a .zip file >
Which attack type would you like to run
0: Bruteforce 1: Wordlist > 0

[+] Which characters to use in the attack (combine to use multiple, separated by +)
0: Only small letters
1: Only big letters
2: Only numbers
3: Only signs
4: Everything


[-+] Max length > 6

Do you want to output everything (slower) or not (faster) y/n > n
Generating list, Please wait
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Desktop\Test\", line 392, in
File "D:\Desktop\Test\", line 210, in _noargs
bruteforce(zip_dir, charset, max_letters, showoutput_b, None)
File "D:\Desktop\Test\", line 128, in bruteforce
a = [y + i for i in charlist for y in a]
File "D:\Desktop\Test\", line 128, in
a = [y + i for i in charlist for y in a]


This is probably cause you are trying to generate a too big bruteforce list. Try with a smaller max lenght like 4 or another charlist that is smaller.

What you are trying to do right now is to create a list with lenghtofchars^maxlenght which in this case is 100^6 which is basically
1e+12 or straight forward 1,000,000,000,000 combinations

And that is a little bit much for your ram to handle.

I didn't think this would happen, but it can be fixed by splitting it up into different lists which gets generated when the last one finished

Fixed it :))