
Static Site Generation (SSG) does not generate "dist/index.html"

ThomasPDM opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, thank you for all your work. I am trying to generate a static website but on "npm run build", the dist directory is generated but without "index.html". I tried again outside of my project, by pulling the qwik-speak repository and using SSG, however, this is not working. The steps as follow:

Setup qwik-speak repository:

git clone
cd qwik-speak
npm install

Set SSG adapter:

npm run qwik add

Update speak-functions.ts by adding:

 * Dynamic SSG route
export const onStaticGenerate: StaticGenerateHandler = () => {
  return {
    params: => {
      return { lang: locale.lang !== config.defaultLocale.lang ? locale.lang : '' };


npm run build

Maybe I miss understood something on Those files are generated in "dist": "favicon.svg _headers manifest.json q-manifest.json robots.txt service-worker.js". Also "dist/build" folder contains "en-US" and "it-IT" folders surrounded by a lot of js files.

How to properly use SSG using qwik-speak?

Please read the documentation carefully:

The sample app in Qwik Speak has an optional parameter lang in url, so it uses dynamic SSG routes: you have to put onStaticGenerate in every page, and not in speak-functions.ts, because you need to generate an index.html for every page and for every language.

So the steps to adapt the sample app are the following:

  1. npm run qwik add (Adapter: Static site (.html files)

  2. Update src\routes\[...lang]\index.tsx:

export const onStaticGenerate: StaticGenerateHandler = () => {
  return {
    params: => {
      return { lang: locale.lang !== config.defaultLocale.lang ? locale.lang : '' };
  1. Update src\routes\[...lang]\page\index.tsx:
export const onStaticGenerate: StaticGenerateHandler = () => {
  return {
    params: => {
      return { lang: locale.lang !== config.defaultLocale.lang ? locale.lang : '.' }; // the dot is a workaround for default lang
  1. Update src\components\header\header.tsx from Link to tag a (SPA mode makes no sense with SSG)
            <a href={getHref('/')}
              class={{ active: pathname === '/' || config.supportedLocales.some(x => pathname.endsWith(`${x.lang}/`)) }}>
            <a href={getHref('/page')}
              class={{ active: pathname.endsWith('/page/') }}>
  1. npm run build and inspect dist folder: you should have 4 index.html, 2 for default lang en-US (with no param in url) and 2 for it-IT:

  2. cd dist and npx http-server

My bad, thank you.