
usePlural extract issue

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi everyone,

thank you so much for this awesome package.

if you have an optional value like this:

const number = useSignal<number>()
const p = usePlural()

return <div>{p(number.value ?? 0,'app.someKey')}</div>

It seems to me, you extract 0 as key here, which is wrong. This way extract is creating 0.json file for each language containing:

  "0": {
    "one": "",
    "other": ""

I hope in the future I find some time to help you guys out, I really like the approach and except this small issue it works already quite fine.

Extract & Inline tools use a parser built specifically for this library. Should we extend it into a compiler to cover cases such as null coalescing?

Rather, I think it's simpler and more correct to initialize the signal, instead of adding null coalescing wherever it's used:

const number = useSignal<number>(0)
const p = usePlural()

return <div>{p(number.value, 'app.someKey')}</div>

@robisim74 If your backend delivers something which can be null, you have to add a useComputed only for duplicating the same value. If it's to complex, we can work with it, but I was very confused seeing this files.

t & p closure functions are only placeholders that will be replaced with simple texts in production. They expect as first param a value or an identifier for now.

You can manage null values also in jsx (in my opinion more appropriate):

{number.value && <div>{p(number.value, 'app.someKey')}</div>}

Note. You can't extend a library to cover every single case that occurs (because otherwise it would grow indefinitely). To implement a request you need to:

  • that the case is probable to occur
  • that there are no simple alternative solutions
  • that the implementation covers all analogous cases, in our example null coalescing, logical or, ternary operator and so on

Maybe I still not understand how the whole workflow is and I have to read it first.