
A Rust crate that allows for configuring actix-web's HttpServer instance through a TOML file.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

actix-settings = "0.6"
actix-web  = "4.1"
env_logger = "0.8"

Basic usage

Import these items into your crate:

use actix_settings::{ApplySettings, AtResult, Settings};
use actix_web::http::ContentEncoding;
use std::sync::Arc;

They can be used like this:

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let mut settings = Settings::parse_toml("Server.toml")
        .expect("Failed to parse `Settings` from Server.toml");
    // If the environment variable `$APPLICATION__HOSTS` is set,
    // have its value override the `settings.actix.hosts` setting:
        &mut settings.actix.hosts,
    let settings = Arc::new(settings); // Leverage `Arc` to not waste memory
    let settings2 = Arc::clone(&settings);
    HttpServer::new(move || {
            // Include this `.wrap()` call for compression settings to take effect:
            .wrap(Compress::new(if settings2.enable_compression {
            } else {
            .data(settings2.clone()) // <- Make `Settings` available to handlers
        // Define routes:
            .service(index) // <- Add routes here as normal
        .apply_settings(&settings) // <- apply the `Settings` to actix's `HttpServer`

/// Initialize the logging infrastructure
fn init_logger(settings: &Settings) {
    if !settings.actix.enable_log { return }
    std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", match settings.actix.mode {
        Mode::Development => "actix_web=debug",
        Mode::Production  => "actix_web=info",
    std::env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");

Custom Settings

There is a way to extend the available settings. This can be used to combine the settings provided by actix-web and those provided by application server built using actix.

Have a look at the override_extended_field_with_custom_type test in src/ to see how.


The main feature that would be nice to have but currently is not implemented, is SSL-support. If you're interested, please contact me or send a PR.

Special Thanks

This crate was made possible by support from Accept B.V.