
Dates of birth in BreatheHR → announcements of upcoming birthdays in Slack

Primary LanguageRuby


If you use BreatheHR to store your employees’ dates of births, and use Slack to chat, then birthdaybot will announce upcoming birthdays in Slack for you each morning.


Ruby >= 2.1


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Create a webhook in Slack for birthdaybot. You can configure the name and appearance of the bot here, and change what channel he posts to.

  3. Get your BreatheHR API Key

  4. Create a cron job that runs the following command:

     BREATHE_API_KEY="abc123" SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/T123/B123/abc123" path/to/birthdaybot

    …replacing the API key and the webhook URL with your correct values, and pointing to the place that the birthdaybot script resides.

    We run ours once a week.