A command-line interface to performing some common tasks with Experian's CheetahMail ESP, since it lacks an API and is generally horrible to use.
This is very much a work in progress.
To choose from a menu of available segments (interactive mode):
$ cheetahmail segment -u username -p password
To specify a segment:
$ cheetahmail segment -u username -p password --segment 'Optins'
Outputs the filename of the saved segment.
# Listing mailings
List the last 50 mailings:
$ cheetahmail mailings -u username -p password
Output a report for a given mailing:
$ cheetahmail report -u username -p password --mailing 'The subject line of the mailing'
Output the stats as JSON:
$ cheetahmail report -u username -p password --mailing 'The subject line of the mailing' --json