
can i move the dir src/test to the dir tests

xianyo opened this issue · 8 comments

when i set this:

androidTest {

it do not work!

setRoot() is not a method on the androidTest extension:

Looking at the source for the plugin itself, it does not support custom path for the tests source and requires that your test source be in src/test/java/ or src/testVariantName/java.

This breaks if you have overridden the project structure to work like previous build tools (e.g., = ['src'])

Actually the test source is pulled from here:

Sourceset: androidTest java source: /Users/clifton/dev/Multi/MultiAndroid/app/src/androidTest/java

The folder in question is "androidTest" not "test". Adding this to my build reveals where the test source is pulled from:

android.sourceSets.each {
println "Sourceset: ${} java source: ${( ?':'):'Null')}"

I haven't tried overriding or changing it yet. I'm posting a blog post about my findings later tonight here:
Search for the post "Learning Android Gradle Unit Testing"

The folder in question is "androidTest" not "test".

Not entirely true...

Again, I point to the source for where it generates the source set. It is iterating over TEST_DIRS, and adding everything that it tries to look for that is valid/exists (presumably). TEST_DIRS is defined as:

    private static final String[] TEST_DIRS = ['test', 'androidTest']

So yes, src/androidTest/java is one of the possible directories, but it actually looks for src/test/java first. And more importantly: if both src/test/java and src/androidTest/java exist, it will actually use both source directories (which could lead to problems if you do have both).

Also of note: the source set for this plugin does not come from android.sourceSets -- it comes from javaConvention.sourceSets. And it does not try to intelligently set a default for that source set if it wasn't already defined -- it just blindly attempts to create it.

This is seriously frustrating. I cannot find any way to modify the test sourceSets path! :(
As an experiment, I renamed my working "src/test" folder to "src/testfoo".
gradlew clean test shows no tests run.
I try every possible valid combination [I can think of] to set the android test sourceSet srcRoot or srcDir or srcDirs to point to that "src/testfoo" folder, and it never picks it up.

wait... what ? AndroidTestPlugin:16

First of all, what's the point to run integration tests when you want just unit tests ? This result in errors like java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub! at android.test.ActivityTestCase.<init>( Plus you have mixed dependencies now because androidTestCompile stands for native Android tests and for Robolectric...
Secondly, why does it hardcoded ?

#59 addresses this issue

Yes. @erd Can you close this issue as part of the merge of #59?