
Ability to use old ingredients in HC recipes (EG VEGETABLE OIL)

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It's a rather simple one, but it will honestly make all the difference. I'm sure there's more recipes than just the ones I've stumbled across, but in this case, I'm using vegetable oil as an example.

Rather than having to build 101 workbenches and forage for seeds etc etc and eventually MAKE vegetable oil, to create cooking oil, it would be nice to be able to use my 7 bottles of OG vegetable oil in the HC recipes, namely for making cooking oil and then fries. So, I would like to be able to pour my OG vegetable oil into a cooking pot, cook it, making it into cooking oil and use it like I would the HC crafted vegetable oil.

As mentioned, I'm sure there's a few recipes/craftables that will have the same issue, but I think it would be a great way to fully integrate Hydrocraft into Project Zomboid, rather than make it feel like an add on.

hc 1
hc 2

On the surface, this is a very simple thing to fix - but it opens up more questions about wider changes we might want to make.

In no particular order:

  • Vanilla PZ has Fries, so maybe we don't need to add HCFries.
  • Vanilla Fries are much lower in calories, but we could use lua to boost their stats (result:setCalories(newValue)) within OnCreate function.
  • HCFries are higher in calories, but they completely ignore the amount of potato used to make them. you can create 500+ calories of HCFries from a 1 hunger piece of potato. It should be easy to make the fries (or hc fries) have the calories of the supplied potatoes - and if we're doing that, we may as well use the vanilla fries - right?
  • There are 8 Make Vegetable Oil recipes, I think we can merge these into 1 recipe (Peanuts=50/SunflowerSeeds=50/HCPumpkinseedspacket=4/etc), is that right?
  • As veg oil exists in the base game, should HC veg oil recipes create that item instead? But then we need to edit it to give back the bottle on deplete, so maybe we do need the HC Vegetable Oil and let recipes use either (which is what resolve the raised issue).