

Closed this issue · 5 comments

So in a similar strain as the empty salt shaker, milk cartons get used up in most of their crafting processes leaving no empty carton behind to refill from a milk bucket.

make bowl of cereal, make cake batter, make cup of hot chocolate, make eggnog pot, make frosting, make fruit cake batter, make mildew cure, make monkey tail pot, make nacho cheese, make rice pudding, prepare cornbread.

Robot ex140

Today at 20:45
@Hugo_Qwerty looks like its the same thing as the salt shaker. consuming the item in a recipe doesn't count as being "used" for the replaceonUse

Today at 20:51
Should the other replaceonuse items be looked at?

This is interesting.

The HC recipe Make Bowl of Cereal uses a full item of milk, ignoring how much milk is left (and a full cereal). We can change the amount of milk it will taking using Milk;10 (for a full carton). However, the recipe takes 3 different types of milk (Milk/HCUHTmilk/HCSoymilk), and it seems you cannot do Milk;10/HCUHTmilk;10/HCSoymilk;10.

There is a better vanilla recipe of the same name (one that takes milk and cereal in specified amounts, not just all of it):


By specifying the amount of milk, the game will return the milk carton in HC (because of the change in /lua/shared/ModifyBaseItems.lua) - but we'd need 3 recipes, one for each type of milk.

Or, we could make the Mix Soy Milk give regular milk (probably need to use an empty carton, not a whiskey bottle). For HCUHTmilk, maybe we could have an Open UHT Milk recipe that just gives regular milk.

Or we could keep it as 3 different recipes (vanilla, +2 added); maybe set them to 'hidden' so they don't clutter the crafting menu and only show on the right click menu when you have the items.

3 recipes?

Interestingly, the vanilla bow of cereal gives the correct calories for 1/8 of a box of cereal - but no calories from the milk.

Another option, would be to use lua to give the player back the right amount of milk, i.e. keep the ingredint as Milk/HCUHTmilk/HCSoymilk and give back a new milk item with stats copied & reduced from the one used in the recipe. May be able to make a bowl out of what should be insufficient milk though.

Done. Took 8 extra recipes to deal with the 3 milks and 3 cereals (8 as the Milk + Cereal exists in vanilla).

Just sptted something in vanilla, this might help reduce the number of recipes.


E.g. Create a Milk and Cereal function, either using the new tag system, or just an explicit list of valid items?

Recipe.GetItemTypes.Milk now exists in vanilla, and I've added a Milk tag to all the HC milks - so we can now use: [Recipe.GetItemTypes.Milk]; in recipes, which allows any milk to be used.