
Perge is a p2p synchronization system for Automerge documents using PeerJS

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Perge is a minimal p2p synchronization system for Automerge documents using PeerJS.


Perge has the following dependencies:

  "automerge": "^0.12.1",
  "peerjs": "^1.1.0"

Install Perge via npm:

npm install perge

or via yarn:

yarn add perge

Quick Start

For a more complete example, see the example page

import { change } from 'automerge'
import Perge from 'perge'

// instantiate library
const perge = new Perge('my-unique-id')

// connect to a peer

// subscribe to all docset changes
perge.subscribe((docId, doc) => {
  // logs 'some-document-id', { message: 'Hey!' }
  console.log(docId, doc)

// subscribe to a single doc's changes
const unsubscribe = perge.subscribe('some-document-id', doc => {
    // { message: 'Hey!' }
  // unsubscribe this callback

// select and change documents
  doc => {
    doc.message = 'Hey!'



Perge is a class containing references to Automerge.Connections, and encodes and decodes passed messages using PeerJS and the Automerge.Connection protocol.

constructor (actorId: string, config: PergeConfig<T> = {})

You can construct Perge with the following config shape. All properties are optional.

Key Type Description
actorId string Unique ID used to initialize the PeerJS connection. Automerge should also be initialized with with this value.
decode (msg: string) => any A function called on a WebRTC string message before it is passed to an Automerge.Connection with receiveMsg, defaults to JSON.parse
encode (msg: any) => string A function called on Automerge.DocSet change objects before it is sent to a peer, defaults to JSON.stringify
peerInstance PeerJS.Peer A preconfigured PeerJS.Peer instance.
docSet Automerge.DocSet<T> An instantiated Automerge.DocSet to sync between clients.

readonly docSet: Automerge.DocSet<T>;

Getter that retrieves the sync'd Automerge.DocSet, handy to subscribe to state changes with:

  docSet.registerHandler((docId, doc) => {

connect(id: string, conn?: PeerJS.DataConnection): void;

Connects to a PeerJS peer with the given ID and sends outgoing Automerge.DocSet syncronization messages using the Automerge.Connection protocol.

Optionally, you can pass an existing PeerJS connection.

select (id: string): (fn: Function, ...args: any[]) => Automerge.Doc<T>

Returns a function that applies a given Automerge doc method, then sets the returned document on the internal DocSet to broadcast changes to connected peers, for example:

// Selects the document with the ID 'foo'
const exec = perge.select('foo')

// Apply and broadcast changes on 'foo'
const newDoc = exec(
  Automerge.change,    // apply changes
  'increase counter',  // commit message
  doc => {             // mutate proxy document and apply changes
    if(!doc.counter) doc.counter = new Automerge.Counter()
    else doc.counter.increment()

// which is roughly the same as:
const oldDoc = docSet.getDoc('foo') || Automerge.init(actorId)
const newDoc = Automerge.change(oldDoc, 'increase counter', doc => {
  if(!doc.counter) doc.counter = new Automerge.Counter()
  else doc.counter.increment()
perge.set.setDoc(id, newDoc)

subscribe(idOrSetHandler: string | Automerge.DocSetHandler<T>, docHandler?: DocHandler<T>): () => void

Subscribe to doc updates for either the entire docSet or a specific document ID. Returns a function that, when called, unsubscribes.