
WebAssembly port

dmitshur opened this issue · 3 comments

Go 1.11 has added an experimental port to WebAssembly. ivy already supports iOS and Android via x/mobile, and if I'm not mistaken, the code for that lives in this repository.

@robpike, are you interested in a WebAssembly port being added to this repository?

I've ported ivy to run in a browser via GopherJS in the past, see demo at It was very easy to port it to use syscall/js package and compile with GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm. See shurcooL/ivybrowser@44e3bb3.

If you choose to accept it, I'm happy to help maintain it. If you'd rather not, that's fine, I will just keep it in my fork then.

if I'm not mistaken, the code for [iOS/Android apps] lives in this repository.

I was mistaken, it looks like what lives here is a small part of the mobile ports. The actual iOS/Android app projects are at

I'll consider no answer as a "no", which is not a problem. I'll finish and keep the WebAssembly port in my browser fork.

I'm always happy to discuss this further, but I'll close the issue for now.

Sorry, this fell off my radar but I'd rather not make the repo more complex. Thanks.