
Cpu request limit is wrong

peterlai-roboops opened this issue · 3 comments

kube-capacity -n ocsl-dev -p

configuration-server-92-42zwb 250m (1%) 1000m (6%) 750Mi (0%) 1024Mi (0%)

But the actual request in 200m. There are init containers, but none of them are 50m, so i don't understand where its getting the 250m from.

cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 200m
memory: 750Mi

So not an issue with the api/v1/pods , that is returning the correct cpu request.

Thanks for reporting this! I've been pretty underwater recently but if anyone has time to fix this I'll try to review a PR ASAP.

Can you show deployment manifest ? i have initcontainers but this issue is not reproducing.