
Add support for Pager Duty dynamic severity feature

oscarmparedes opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi team,

I would like to request the pager duty integration to support dynamic severity from pager duty. Right now, the payload severity is sent in capital letters and the api v2 does not understand.

"Severity": "CRITICAL"
{"errors":["'payload.severity' is invalid (must be one of the following: 'critical', 'warning', 'error' or 'info')"],"message":"Event object is invalid","status":"invalid event"}%
{"errors":["'payload.severity' is missing or blank"],"message":"Event object is invalid","status":"invalid event"}%

So Severity should be severity and WARNING should be warning. I think this should not be too difficult to change and it adds a great feature, avoid your team to wake up to all alerts vs managing all alerts from pager duty and waking up to just meaningful ones, without filtering on source.

Nevermind, it is working with Robusta, Pager Duty is able to parse the values just fine.