
Additional filter options for on_event triggers

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Currently can only filter event triggers based on name prefix, namespace_prefix, and labels.

I have the need to create some info alerts for HPA scaling events where the name does not have a common prefix and the events have no labels.

It would be great to add ability to regex on the name and or filter on event source component.

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Hi @PrestonCS

Just to clarify, you want to get a notification each time the any HPA in the cluster, changes the number of replicas?

If the above is what you want, I think you can achieve it using this playbook:

- triggers:
   - on_horizontalpodautoscaler_update: {}
   - resource_babysitter:
       omitted_fields: []
       fields_to_monitor: ["status.desiredReplicas"]

Does that help?

@arikalon1 That should work for this specific use case I mentioned. However I still think it would be nice to have the other options for additional filters for other events.