
Support filtering on more fields in events of type 'Normal'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem?
It is currently impossible to use the on_event_* triggers when wanting to filter events by fields other than the ones in the metadata (name/namespace/labels).

Describe the solution you'd like
Allow filtering by more fields, such as reason, message & involvedObject.
It also be a great help if the filtering can support regex as well.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
A good use case for this, is when dealing with events emitted by ArgoCD.
For example: We want to annotate a Grafana dashboard whenever a Sync operation on an Application took place.
Here's an example of such event data which we still can't discover:

apiVersion: v1
count: 1
eventTime: null
firstTimestamp: xxxxx
  kind: Application
  name: xxxxx
  namespace: xxxx
  resourceVersion: xxxxx
  uid: xxxxx
kind: Event
lastTimestamp: xxxxx
message: Sync operation to xxxxx succeeded
    dest-namespace: xxxxx
    dest-server: xxxxx
  creationTimestamp: xxxxx
  name: xxxxx
  namespace: xxxxx
  resourceVersion: xxxxx
  uid: xxxxx
reason: OperationCompleted
reportingComponent: ""
reportingInstance: ""
  component: argocd-application-controller
type: Normal

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