
Robusta / KRR bug when passing prometheus_auth

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
Using the hem chart with globalConfig.prometheus_auth and a value of "Basic " krr can't run and errors with Got unexpected extra argument because it doesn't wrap the prometheus_auth value in quotes when running the krr job

If I wrap it in quotes something else in robusta itself errors so this is an issue in the passing of robusta to krr when an efficiency scan is being run

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup robusta
  2. have prometheus behind authentication with nginx for example and basic auth (should error with normal Bearer as well)
  3. Pass globalConfig.prometheus_auth in the helm values (generated_values.yaml)
  4. Install / Upgrade robusta
  5. Run a KRR scan (Efficiency report) from the UI
  6. Monitor the logs of either robusta or the KRR job itself and see that the job fails with said error

Expected behavior
It should perform the KRR scan without any issues.


Robusta version used is: 0.10.27 using the helm chart

Hi 👋, thanks for opening an issue! Please note, it may take some time for us to respond, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

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Thanks for reporting it @Timeraa

Just to be clear, the value you're putting in globalConfig is in the format of prometheus_auth: Basic XXXX ?

Thanks for reporting it @Timeraa

Just to be clear, the value you're putting in globalConfig is in the format of prometheus_auth: Basic XXXX ?

Yes correct!

After investigating the issue, it appears that the issue might be due to an older version of Robusta being used.

We recommend your upgrading to the newest version, this should fix your problem.

Yeah I noticed you guys fixed in a recent version, so I assume we can close this issue for now. I guess no one kept track of this issue existing before fixing it?