Authorisation Error
Closed this issue · 2 comments
kiwijunglist commented
Authorisation Error
Error 403: restricted_client
This app is not yet configured to make OAuth requests. To do that, set up the app’s OAuth consent screen in the Google Cloud Console.
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Request Details
I followed instructions
When i first navigate to http://container:9324 and click authorization I get the above error.
kiwijunglist commented
I figured out that you need to also fill out the OAuth consent screen.
So I can now get a token, but when i pass the token back to the app it throws another error
kiwijunglist commented
I tried it quite a few times and recreated the container and eventually it worked for me.
Sorry there are no issues, if I didn't have a new baby I'd write a guide for noobs like me, but I'm a bit busy at the moment. Thank you for the docker this will be very useful, and sorry for the issue-spam.