How to override provider?
sebestindragos opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi! I have a service in my app that makes use of localStorage. I tried making use of provide with an InjectToken to override it on the server, but I can't think of a solution on how to do it.
AppModule looks like this:
imports: [
appId: 'app'
providers: [
{provide: LocalStorage, useValue: window.localStorage}
LocalStorage is an InjectToken instance
export const LocalStorage = new InjectToken();
and in my server side code I have
app.engine('html', ngExpressEngine({
baseUrl: nconf.get('hostname'),
providers: [
{provide: LocalStorage, useValue: {
setItem() {},
getItem() {},
removeItem() {}
bootstrap: [AppServerModuleNgFactory],
renderModuleFactory(setupOptions.bootstrap[0], {
document: templateCache[filePath],
url: options.req.url,
extraProviders: setupOptions.providers
}).then(template => callback(null, template));
Running the app with this config, doesn't work, and I have no idea if this is even possible.
Can providers be overriden from an outside module?
Documentation seems to be pretty lacking on this subject.
The only way I can think of now, is to not import AppModule in AppServerModule, and
make the AppServerModule basically a copy of AppModule with different imports and providers.
But I'd like to avoid this method.
Any ideas?
I had problems with localStorage. I solved them only so
if (typeof window! == 'undefined') {
const token = localStorage.getItem ('token');