
To Do list on Command Line Interface

Primary LanguagePython


 ____                     _
|  _ \  ___   _ __  _   _| |
| | | |/ _ \ | '_ \| | | | |
| |_| | (_) || |_) | |_| |_|
|____/ \___(_) .__/ \__, (_)
             |_|    |___/

To Do list on Command Line Interface

Manage to-do list on a shell based simple interface and stores your to-do locally on a sqlite database

optionally use your Dropbox to store the database



pip install dopy


git clone https://github.com/rochacbruno/dopy

cd dopy

python setup.py install


git clone https://github.com/rochacbruno/dopy

chmod +x dopy/dopy/do.py

sudo ln -s path/to/dopy/dopy/do.py /bin/dopy

Maybe the pip option will not be working for a while


 ____                     _
|  _ \  ___   _ __  _   _| |
| | | |/ _ \ | '_ \| | | | |
| |_| | (_) || |_) | |_| |_|
|____/ \___(_) .__/ \__, (_)
             |_|    |___/

  do.py [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py add <name> [<tag>] [<status>] [--reminder=<reminder>] [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py done <id> [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py ls [--all] [--tag=<tag>] [--status=<status>] [--search=<term>] [--date=<date>] [--month=<month>] [--day=<day>] [--year=<year>] [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py rm <id> [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py get <id> [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py note <id> [--use=<db>] [--rm=<noteindex>] [--args]
  do.py show <id> [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py note <id> <note> [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py export <path> [--format=<format>] [--use=<db>] [--args]
  do.py setpath <path> [--args]
  do.py use <db> [--args]
  do.py -h | --help [--args]
  do.py --version [--args]
  do.py --args

  -h --help      Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.
  --args          Show args.
  1. to enter in SHELL mode python do.py or simply dopy if installed

  2. Add a new task dopy

dopy add "Pay the telephone bill" personal new --reminder=today

with default values for tag, status and reminder

dopy add "Implement new features on my project"

  1. List taks

List all open tasks

dopy ls

$ python do.py ls
$ dopy ls
|ID|                         Name|     Tag|Status|Reminder|            Created|
| 3|           Pay telephone bill|personal|   new|   today|2012-12-31 08:03:15|
| 4|Implement features on project| default|   new|    None|2012-12-31 08:03:41|
TOTAL:2 tasks

By tag

```dopy ls --tag=personal``

By name

dopy ls --search=phone

By status

dopy ls --status=done


dopy ls --all

  1. Mark as done

dopy done

dopy done 2

  1. Remove a task

dopy rm 2

  1. Get a task in shell mode for editing

dopy get 3

$ dopy get 3
To show the task
>>> print task
To show a field (available name, tag, status, reminder)
>>> task.name
To edit the task assign to a field
>>> task.name = "Other name"
To delete a task
>>> task.delete()
To exit
>>> quit()

>>> print task
<Row {'status': 'new', 'name': 'Pay telephone bill', 'deleted': False, 'created_on': datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 31, 8, 3, 15), 'tag': 'personal', 'reminder': 'today', 'id': 3}>
>>> task.status
>>> task.status = "working"
>>> task.status


Doing a dopy ls you can see the ID of the tasks, using this ID you can assign notes

  1. Including a note

dopy note 1 "This is the note for the task 1"

The above command inserts the note and prints the TASK with notes.

|ID| Name|    Tag|Status|Reminder|    Created|
| 1|teste|default|   new|    None|01/01-02:14|
0 This is the note fot task 1
1 notes
  1. Consulting the notes

You can also show all notes for a task using the show command

dopy show 1

|ID| Name|    Tag|Status|Reminder|    Created|
| 1|teste|default|   new|    None|01/01-02:14|
0 This is the note fot task 1
1 This is another note for task 1
2 notes
  1. Removing a note

Notes can be removed by its index number.

Example: To remove the latest note

dopy note 1 --rm=-1

where -1 is the index for the last element in notes

To remove the first note

dopy note 1 --rm=0

Switching DBS

It is possible to use more than one database by switching using --use argument

dopy add "Including on another db" --use=mynewdb

The above command will use a db called "mynewdb" (it will be created if not exists)

In the same way you have to specify the db for other operations

dopy ls --all --use=mynewdb to list all tasks on the db

Note, you can also change the default db in .dopyrc file


  • Sync with google task
  • Sync with remember the milk
  • Generate HTML and PDF reports on /tmp

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