
Skyrim VR

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As per the request in the README, here I'll be documenting my attempt at running Skyrim VR on Linux using this lovely script. I am relatively new to Linux, your patience is appreciated.

AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Nvidia RTX 2070
Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

Proton Version: GE-Proton9-5

The game is installed on the main drive. Unmodified the game appears to run without error, however my testing only consisted of the 'start menu area'.

I begin installation of mod organizer on SkyrimVR, the terminal threw the following warning but allowed me to proceed with installation anyway:
x86_64-linux-gnu-capsule-capture-libs: warning: Dependencies of not found, ignoring: Missing dependencies: Could not find "" in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (unset),, DT_RUNPATH or fallback /lib:/usr/lib
steam-runtime-launcher-service[79]: W: The --socket option is deprecated. Prefer to use --session or --bus-name.

Mod Organizer set to install to directory /home/jak/Games/mod-organizer-2-skyrimvr and installation concludes with no errors.
Mod Organizer launches from steam without error.

Upon attempting to run the built-in LOOT plugin sorter, it fails with the following:

[info] Attempting to create a game handle for game type "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR" with game path "Z:/home/jak/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SkyrimVR" and game local path "Z:/home/jak/Games/mod-organizer-2-skyrimvr/modorganizer2/profiles/Default"
[info] Downloading latest masterlist file from to C:\users\steamuser\AppData\Local\LOOT\games\Skyrim VR\masterlist.yaml
[error] Failed to evaluate condition "product_version("../SkyrimVR.exe", "", <)". Details: An error was encountered while reading the version fields of "Z:/home/jak/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SkyrimVR\Data../SkyrimVR.exe": null address reference
[error] Failed to evaluate condition "product_version("../SkyrimVR.exe", "", <)". Details: An error was encountered while reading the version fields of "Z:/home/jak/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SkyrimVR\Data../SkyrimVR.exe": null address reference
[error] Loot failed. Exit code was: 0x1

Hoping to get more information I installed LOOT separately as an executable from their website. Here are the log contents:

[21:33:12.601899] [info]: Running 64-bit LOOT on Windows 10 Version 21H1 and the x86_64 CPU architecture
[21:33:12.601945] [info]: LOOT version: 0.22.4+82e0a8c2
[21:33:12.601953] [info]: libloot version: 0.22.4+03baecec
[21:33:12.606334] [info]: LOOT is being run through Mod Organiser.
[21:33:12.611478] [warning]: The file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\libraryfolders.vdf could not be opened for reading
[21:33:12.625818] [warning]: Could not find the Epic Games Launcher app data path in the Registry, so assuming it's in %ProgramData%.
[21:33:12.632375] [warning]: Could not find the Epic Games Launcher app data path in the Registry, so assuming it's in %ProgramData%.
[21:33:12.636349] [warning]: Could not find the Epic Games Launcher app data path in the Registry, so assuming it's in %ProgramData%.
[21:33:12.639685] [warning]: Could not find the Epic Games Launcher app data path in the Registry, so assuming it's in %ProgramData%.
[21:33:12.835877] [warning]: Failed to find the style sheet for the "default" theme in the filesystem, attempting to load from built-in resources...
[21:33:13.052061] [info]: Backup of %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LOOT created in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LOOT\backups\LOOT-backup-20240522T213313
[21:33:14.558387] [info]: Initialising filesystem-related data for game: TES V: Skyrim VR
[21:33:14.558550] [info]: Attempting to create a game handle for game type "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR" with game path "Z:\home\jak.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR" and game local path ""
[21:33:14.989728] [warning]: No masterlist prelude present at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LOOT\prelude\prelude.yaml
[21:33:14.995085] [warning]: Failed to read metadata for: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LOOT\games\Skyrim VR
[21:33:14.998861] [error]: Failed to evaluate condition "product_version("../SkyrimVR.exe", "", <)". Details: An error was encountered while reading the version fields of "Z:\home\jak.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data../SkyrimVR.exe": null address reference
[21:33:14.998921] [error]: Caught an exception: Failed to evaluate condition "product_version("../SkyrimVR.exe", "", <)". Details: An error was encountered while reading the version fields of "Z:\home\jak.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data../SkyrimVR.exe": null address reference
[21:33:15.007634] [warning]: No cached card exists for row 0, card sizes may not be calculated correctly

The above process was repeated on my setup for Skyrim Special Edition. LOOT runs successfully, but fails to render in its window. Installing LOOT as a separate executable in Skyrim Special Edition functions normally.

SKSE Reports incompatible with everything and it's beyond my ability to go any further. Consider this not working I suppose until somebody more knowledgeable comes along, because frankly this is going to make me commit suicide.