
Installation step 4 not working on Steam Deck – "permission denied"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've followed the installation steps on the Steam Deck and after trying to execute I get this log, in full:

/run/media/deck/de5e2de9-b405-4611-b7d5-afb01a0b10d2/mo2 installer/step/ line 13: /run/media/deck/de5e2de9-b405-4611-b7d5-afb01a0b10d2/mo2 installer/utils/ Permission denied ERROR: missing dependencies protontricks /run/media/deck/de5e2de9-b405-4611-b7d5-afb01a0b10d2/mo2 installer/step/ line 23: /run/media/deck/de5e2de9-b405-4611-b7d5-afb01a0b10d2/mo2 installer/utils/ Permission denied

Protontricks has beeninstalled prior to this via Discovery as described by the Requirements paragraph. However, I do not know what bash, curl, wget or zenity is. I could not find neither of those terms via Discovery nor the Application Launcher.

You’re having permission erros to run the installer itself. I see you’re running from an external media device so I’ll suggest doing everything from the Steam Deck (download, extract, execute)

This solved the issue.

When I had the issue I did donwload the archive from a Windows PC and moved it to the Steam Deck's external SD card. Executing alone from the internal drive after moving the folder from the external SD card wasn't enough. Oddly, downloading the archive from the Steam Deck and then extracting and executing did the trick.

In short: download, extract, execute all from the SD – as mentioned by rockerbacon – helped.