
MO2 Installation - Cannot Locate FalloutSteamLauncher.exe

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Good Morning,

For FO3 GOTY I had already successfully installed MO2, but was unable to get FOSE to install correctly. Mods that required FOSE were not working for me and I was okay, but now it all stopped working after 2 months.

It started launching to the game launcher, and not MO2. I ended up uninstalling the game along with deleting the contents that the MO2 installation created.

Now i am trying to reinstall MO2, but the first error that I ran into, is when I run the ,/ command, I get a pop up that FO3 cannot be located in my game directory even though it's installed.

I found a workaround browsing here that I needed to enter;

STEAM_LIBRARY='location of where FO3 is installed' ./

I got the game install location from steam, by going to the game and browsing local files.

Now the command runs the installation up to a certain point.

I do not have the log at the moment, but the error notification reads that it cannot locate FalloutSteamLauncher.exe in the directory

I browsed the game folder and I do not see that exe located in there.

I cannot find any other fixes for this.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,

Duplicate of #676