
Fallout 3 Launcher with new Steam Update, MO2 Never Opens

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I went through the installation process for MO2 2.5.0 for Fallout 3 on my linux mint computer, it recently updated so the Fallout 3 Launcher goes by a different name than MO2 is searching for. It looks like MO2 wants "FalloutLauncherSteam.exe" and Fallout 3 wants "Fallout3Launcher.exe". Using the vanilla launcher, the game runs fine as far as I can tell. I can start a new game. I renamed "FalloutLauncherSteam" after installing 2.5.0 again and selecting no on the updater (since last time, when I hit yes, it failed), to "Fallout3Launcher" and hit play on steam which I imagine should be essentially all I need to play, but MO2 never opens and after 2 minutes it'll go from Playing Fallout 3 to nothing again. Is this my end now or MO2? Or is it still Protontricks?

I installed MO2 in a new location and reinstalled to try the update option, it installed successfully but no change to Fallout 3, still the same issue as above