
[Enhancement] Fog-like effect

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I suggest adding a replacement of the post processing, maybe add another slider, to fog-like effect. I find it adding more calm and realistic look.

    if(u_post_processing) {
        //float colFade = sin(t * .2) * .5 + .5;
        //col *= mix(vec3(1.), vec3(.8, .9, 1.3), 1.);	// subtle color shift
        float contrast = 0.6;
        col = (col - 0.5) * contrast + 0.5;





That does look nice.

Could also try integrating the fog shader 🤔

Also I thought that a better idea will be to split rain texture from the image, and apply the fog into that image only (so the droplets are still high contrast). By doing so, there could be an option to apply parallax only to the image without the droplets, and I'm wondering if it will be possible to add that AI 3d parallax. And the cherry on top, could be to have the fog multiply by that parallax to have a more realistic one.
That's really large change to do, but I think that will enhance this rain screen a lot.

Wanting too much, but I also experimented with custom fps values, and 12fps looks nice (lofi-y), so maybe also add another checkbox?
