
Allow storage definition within Rockon install UI

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments

Please allow me to define shares at point of deployment during the install UI - the ability to specify a path relative to an existing share (eg /rockonshare/config/plex/) would make the deployment flow way less clunky.

I agree with @seffyroff, it would be great if we could change the path during the install.

Hi @20design, thanks for your feedback on this issue, Personally, I didn't notice it until now.

Would you and @seffyroff be willing to describe in a little bit more details (maybe with an example?) what you would like to see?
I myself thought about allowing the creation of share(s) from within the Rock-On install wizard (so that one does not have to exist the install wizard, create the share and then start the Rock-On install again), but I'm not sure that corresponds to what is described in this issue.

On a side note, I would maybe recommend to move this discussion to the rockstor/rockstor-core repo ( and it seems more appropriate there.

@seffyroff and @20design Agreed.
As per @FroggyFlox suggestion I propose we open a new issue in rockstor-core on this. It would require a code change in that repo.
@FroggyFlox I wonder if we could ensure that all Rock-ons have a recommended 'default' share name stated; as per say in our current Plex Rock-on:

".. Eg: create a Share called plex-config ..."
If we standardised on the description we could trigger share name from that description. I know it's potentially fragile but it's doable. Or we retro fit all Rock-on definitions with an additional element within their volumes entries which would obviously be far better. Then if not found we don't offer the AutoCreate Share button and do as we have done.

Would be a definite usability improvement as we are very ping pong these days, especially for first time users.

That is very close to the top of my list (if not at the very top) of what to address next once I'm done with my current work.
I haven't thought about details yet, but I like your idea. We may even not have to retrofit all Rock-ons definitions and "simply" use a combination of Rock-on/container name and volume name to automatically create a "sensible" default name for a share. But again, letting the user enter a name would remain much better... Worth having a dedicated issue on rockstor-core to discuss this.

As per @FroggyFlox comment:

Worth having a dedicated issue on rockstor-core to discuss this.

I'll close this in light of it being in the wrong repository anyway. And if there is further interest do please continue this discussion in our repo under a new issue as that is where our Rock-ons management code is located. Here, in this repo, we only have Rock-on definitions. A link to this now closed issue in the new issue (if there is interest) would be great as we then have some context and a reference to what has been discussed here to date. Although a summary would be a good starting text in the new issue of course.