
(work)shop doc(ument)s

Primary LanguageNunjucks

(work)shop doc(ument)s

shopdocs schematic cards

A couple times a year or as demand warrants it, I teach a workshop on electronics and DIY synthesizers. This repo is the source to the documents I write to share with my section.

A "live" version is available online with nice PDF downloads: https://rocktronica.github.io/shopdocs/


  • It's mostly supplemental stuff that got cut for time but still useful/cool enough to warrant sharing.
  • There is no prescribed reading order. They're kind of grab-bag "jelly bean" docs to share as topics come up.
  • Despite being a real live website, format is optimized for PDF and print, so as to be put on the class Google Drive.
  • I expect the content to change over time, so everything's dated by last update in the footer. Depending on when that was, what's online may be different from the PDFs I share in class.
  • Some stuff might not make sense outside of the context of me talking about it! (Other stuff might not make sense because I wrote it very tiredly in the middle of the night without spellcheck before class in the morning.) Typos,

Generating PDFs

Document files are written in markdown, made into a website with eleventy, and then converted to PDF with Chrome via puppeteer.

npm install

# Terminal 1
npx @11ty/eleventy --serve

# Terminal 2
node make_pdfs.js
node make_pdfs.js SLUG # for single PDF

Works For Me!


  • Per page footers w/ page numbers



Text and drawing content is all CC BY-SA 4.0. Please retain my attribution if sharing, TYSM.

Code is MIT or as components allow.