
Update NvChad docs

siduck opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there! author of NvChad here. v2.0 has recently released and it uses lazy.nvim instead of packer.nvim for package manager. There are few breaking changes ( mostly related to package manager ) but the config has gotten easier.

old syntax is depreceated ( people can still use it tho! )

Hey @siduck Thanks very much for the heads-up. As it turns out, the author of the Rocky Linux documentation for NvChad is very much aware of the changes and has already self-tested the new features. He will be working on updating our documentation as time allows. Thank you again!

Hi, @sspencerwire and @siduck I have updated the install_nvchad and builtin_plugins pages to reflect the changes in version 2.0. I think they are fine but a check never hurts.

@siduck In the chadrc template I believe prettier is missing in the M.mason section of override.lua. null-ls complains when opening a file with the specified extensions.

b.formatting.prettier.with { filetypes = { "html", "markdown", "css" } }

Installing it manually solves the problem.