
Docker installation instructions say to use Docker's CentOS repository

Ghepardo opened this issue · 5 comments

The page says to use Docker's CentOS repository. This does not seem right: Rocky does not track CentOS, rather RHEL. However, I see that Docker's RHEL repository covers only the IBM S390 architecture - The latter page suggests trying the CentOS repository for RHEL on x86_64.

To prevent everyone else to reads being confused and having to perform this same research, it would be useful if that page contained a little explanation of why Docker's CentOS repository was specified.

Thank you @Ghepardo. I'm going to request @wsoyinka to review your suggestion and see if he will do the rewrite, as he is the author of this document. Thank you again!

Hi @Ghepardo :

Thank you for pointing this out.

Unfortunately , Docker does not yet have official repos for Rocky Linux that we are aware of :-(. Once they do [and we become aware], we'll update our documentation :-).
We've tested the current instructions using the available CentOS repo and they work perfectly.

And yes, we can add a little extra note in the docs to clarify this reasoning.


@wsoyinka I'm pretty sure they mean to change the link here:
from to, as Rocky tracks RHEL not CentOS (Stream).

If you look at the OS requirements, they say:
To install Docker Engine, you need a maintained version of one of the following CentOS versions:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8 (stream)
  • CentOS 9 (stream)

To install Docker Engine, you need a maintained version of RHEL 7, RHEL 8 or RHEL 9 on s390x (IBM Z). Archived versions aren’t supported or tested.
The overlay2 storage driver is recommended.

@wsoyinka Thanks - yes, my suggestion was just to add a note to the page, to prevent others becoming confused.

@lumarel Not too sure what you're getting at - Docker's RHEL repo covers s390x only. So that's no use to the vast majority of us who are running Rocky on x86. As @wsoyinka says, it works if we use Docker's CentOS repo, and that indeed appears to be Docker's (perverse) intention.

Ah yeah totally overlooked that 😛
Well then it's the way to go as it is!