
Podman Local Development ( Guide

j0eybrinkman opened this issue · 12 comments

I followed this guide step-by-step and it does not work for my system.

Tested on:
OS-release = Rocky Linux 9.3
Python version = 3.9
Podman version = 4.6.1


Errors during final step, running 'docker-compose up':
rockydocs-mkdocs-1 | error: patch failed: requirements.txt:1
rockydocs-mkdocs-1 | error: requirements.txt: patch does not apply
rockydocs-mkdocs-1 | error: patch failed: mkdocs.yml:58
rockydocs-mkdocs-1 | error: mkdocs.yml: patch does not apply
rockydocs-mkdocs-1 exited with code 1

@j0eybrinkman I'm sorry that this procedure isn't working for you. Let me see if I can duplicate your issue. Thank you!

@j0eybrinkman I was able to get this to work in 9.3 w/o an issue, however there does appear to be a problem with the docker-compose up command, as for me, I had to run it with sudo or I got permissions errors. [disclaimer: I don't use this particular local docs method, so I did this in a container just to test the procedure.] A couple of questions:

  1. Did you start by verifying that the prerequisites were met? For me, I just went to that section and installed them all, even if they already existed, just to be sure.
  2. If you run pwd just prior to running the docker-compose up command, what does it show?

@wale Can you perhaps lend a hand here with @j0eybrinkman and this procedure? I've asked a couple of questions above.

Ran through the steps again but I get the same errors. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.

sudo dnf -y install podman podman-docker git

sudo systemctl enable --now podman.socket

sudo curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

git clone

git clone

systemctl enable --now podman.socket

curl -SL -o docker-compose.yml

docker-compose up

pwd = /home/me/projects/rockydocs

I had to run sudo to output docker-compose to /usr/local/bin but did not need to use it to run docker-compose.

wale commented

@wale Can you perhaps lend a hand here with @j0eybrinkman and this procedure? I've asked a couple of questions above.

I don't think I can help, because I have no relation to the Rocky Linux project. You must have me confused for someone else.

@j0eybrinkman @sspencerwire - New updated docker image has been updated to the registry. Please try again.

(p.s. I need to look further into the docker compose approach. Launching or using with compose is broken)

@j0eybrinkman Is this issue resolved?

@sspencerwire I will test tonight and record going through steps! Will update soon

Just curious if you were able to ever get this process to work for you @j0eybrinkman.

@j0eybrinkman @sspencerwire - New updated docker image has been updated to the registry. Please try again.

(p.s. I need to look further into the docker compose approach. Launching or using with compose is broken)

How do you run it without using docker-compose? When I try using docker-compose up it fails with errors in above image.

I'm really not sure what I'm missing. I follow the document exactly and it fails to work. Admittedly I am a complete novice to containers. Here's a document of my struggles - Sorry to have this issue open for so long. I'm going to read through all the container guides and maybe that will get me up to speed...