
can't find method

miuru0 opened this issue · 0 comments

I got this problem: can't find method greet
appending bogus greet to list of constants

when running pyc-xasm --pyc-file test .\compiled_code.pyasm

this is the code that generated compiled_code.pyasm

source_code = """
def greet():
    print("Hello, world!")

compiled_code = compile(source_code, "<string>", "exec")
pyc_file = "compiled_code.pyasm"
with open(pyc_file, "w") as file:
    xdis.std.disassemble(compiled_code, file=file)

and this is the compiled_code:

# pydisasm version 6.0.5
# Python bytecode 3.9 ()
# Disassembled from Python 3.9.9 (tags/v3.9.9:ccb0e6a, Nov 15 2021, 18:08:50) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
# Method Name:       <module>
# Filename:          <string>
# Argument count:    0
# Position-only argument count: 0
# Keyword-only arguments: 0
# Number of locals:  0
# Stack size:        2
# Flags:             0x00000040 (NOFREE)
# First Line:        2
# Constants:
#    0: <code object greet at 0x000002028CC845B0, file "<string>", line 2>
#    1: 'greet'
#    2: None
# Names:
#    0: greet
  2:           0 LOAD_CONST           (<code object greet at 0x000002028CC845B0, file "<string>", line 2>)
               2 LOAD_CONST           ('greet')
               4 MAKE_FUNCTION        (Neither defaults, keyword-only args, annotations, nor closures)
               6 STORE_NAME           (greet)
               8 LOAD_CONST           (None)
              10 RETURN_VALUE

# Method Name:       greet
# Filename:          <string>
# Argument count:    0
# Position-only argument count: 0
# Keyword-only arguments: 0
# Number of locals:  0
# Stack size:        2
# Flags:             0x00000043 (NOFREE | NEWLOCALS | OPTIMIZED)
# First Line:        2
# Constants:
#    0: None
#    1: 'Hello, world!'
# Names:
#    0: print
  3:           0 LOAD_GLOBAL          (print)
               2 LOAD_CONST           ('Hello, world!')
               4 CALL_FUNCTION        1
               6 POP_TOP
               8 LOAD_CONST           (None)
              10 RETURN_VALUE