
RuntimeError in pyc-xasm

QemuK opened this issue · 4 comments

QemuK commented

I want to compile a .pyasm file to .pyc via using pyc-xasm

This is my

print("Hello, world")

I compiled this as main.pyc


pydisasm main.pyc > main.pyasm

Now I want to convert the file back

pyc-xasm main.pyasm

RuntimeError: Don't understand operand ('Hello, expecting int or (..). Instruction 1: LOAD_CONST ('Hello,

rocky commented

Use the option --format xasm on the pydisam command.

QemuK commented

Did not help. I am sending you a file


rocky commented

Your file isn't in the proper format. Look at the README.rst to see the correct kind of format.

QemuK commented

It's not about the format. I changed it to .text to upload the file to github