RuntimeError in pyc-xasm
QemuK opened this issue · 4 comments
QemuK commented
I want to compile a .pyasm file to .pyc via using pyc-xasm
This is my
print("Hello, world")
I compiled this as main.pyc
pydisasm main.pyc > main.pyasm
Now I want to convert the file back
pyc-xasm main.pyasm
RuntimeError: Don't understand operand ('Hello, expecting int or (..). Instruction 1: LOAD_CONST ('Hello,
rocky commented
Use the option --format xasm
on the pydisam command.
rocky commented
Your file isn't in the proper format. Look at the README.rst to see the correct kind of format.
QemuK commented
It's not about the format. I changed it to .text to upload the file to github