
Server plugin is not rebuilt when I change descriptor

jonnyzzz opened this issue · 3 comments

I have variables in my build that defineds versions and other string attributes.
Changing those variables does not make Gradle to re-build the server-side plugin
Looks like TeamCity descriptor is missing from cache key somewhere

rodm commented

I've been unable to re-create your problem. I tried changing the version in the root project of the Gradle Build Cache plugin and running the serverPlugin task, this correctly re-packages the plugin zip file with the updated descriptor.
Can you provide the tasks you're executing and an example project?

rodm commented

@jonnyzzz is this still a problem for you? I recently discovered that changes to the agent-side descriptor didn't repackage the agent side plugin and that would then lead to the server side not being repackaged. This is has been fixed and is available in v1.1-rc-1 of the plugin.

Thanks. I've updated to the latest version now. I'll let you know if the problem is still here, thanks!