
Fix plugin publication setup

ljacomet opened this issue · 0 comments

When combining maven-publish and com.gradle.plugin-publish, you need to be careful about the plugin publication setup.
If you use configuration like pluginBundle.mavenCoordinates, the plugin publication will build its own POM file instead of reusing the output of maven-publish.

One of the main downside of that is the support for advanced dependency declaration and their compatibility with Maven POMs is not built in the com.gradle.plugin-publish plugin.

In the case of this plugin, it causes the junit-bom dependency to appear as a regular dependency instead of a BOM import in the produced POM file.
As indicated in #57, this can cause issue for users of the plugin. So while the fix in that PR will resolve the issue, a similar issue could pop up again.

I would recommend getting rid of the pluginBundle.mavenCoordinates section this it matches the defaults anyway.