
Geospatial Data Exploration Task for Remote Sensing Internship 2023

Task: Use a provided Sentinel-2 data cube with only raw bands, then post-process a new layer of NDVI to achieve a map and time series visualization

  • Materials:
    • netCDF of data cube
    • Geojson of sub-AOI


  1. A Jupyter notebook from start to finish, opening, exploring, visualizing, and modifying the geospatial data, specifically including the following:

    a. Calculation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over the entire AOI for each date given in the data cube and added as a separate data layer in the same provided data cube

    b. A visual RGB image of one date

    c. Distribution (histogram) of NDVI pixels

    d. Time series of NDVI averaged over the AOI

  2. A brief description of your interpretation of the spatial distribution and evolution of the NDVI/vegetation

  3. A visualization of NDVI (colormap here) clipped to the provided sub-AOI

Additional instructions:

  1. Development is to be done using Python. Any frameworks/libraries are accepted.

  2. Any additional data exploration (i.e. not explicitly required for the deliverables) can be kept in the notebook if displayed in a clean and organized manner