
IDL installation into REDHAWK Target SDR

Opened this issue · 3 comments

@rodrigo455 Hello, could you please tell me how to install these jtnc-interfaces into REDHAWK. I am using Centos 7 OS. Thank you.

It's been a while since this project is not updated. As for the installation procedure, you can refer to the install script. You might get problems due to the REDHAWK version. If so, I would recomend you to create your own IDL projects, importing the corresponding IDL files.

Thanks for your reply. I tried creating one by importing the IDL files but in turn it showed an
Include file cannot be found: redhawk/VOCODER/Vocoder.idl
What can be done to overcome this error.

You should be more specific, but I believe the error is raised by one of Vocoder extensions. Bare in mind that the Vocoder module might depends on the Audio module, which has other dependencies. You should make sure that the dependencies are properly satisfied/installed.
If the problem persists... probably the new REDHAWK version changed the Makefile automake template and include paths might not be the same anymore. You can attempt to change the include path on the idl file to a reasonable one, depending on what's being done during the build process.