
GetWindowThreadProcessId() Can't get process id due to remove second param

rogeecn opened this issue · 1 comments

in this function

func (hWnd HWND) GetWindowThreadProcessId() uint32 {
	ret, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(proc.GetWindowThreadProcessId.Addr(), 2,
		uintptr(hWnd), 0, 0)
	return uint32(ret)

after changed to

func (hWnd HWND) GetWindowThreadProcessId() (uint32,uint32) {
	var processId uint32
	ret, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(proc.GetWindowThreadProcessId.Addr(), 2,
		uintptr(hWnd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&processId)), 0)
	return uint32(ret), processId

i got the right processID

You are correct. This function returns both the thread and process IDs. I misread the documentation.