
Repository containing the TBNB test.

Primary LanguagePHP

TBNB test

About the project

This is a project requested by the recruiting process at TurnoverBnB. The project contains two main folders, api and mobile. Each folder represents the api project and the mobile project, according to their respective names. This project considers you have a local MYSQL server up and running before proceeding.

Getting started

First of all, you must install all dependencies from both projects. On mobile, run yarn to install all its dependencies. On api, run composer install to install all its dependencies.

API Routes

The routes created for the API are listed below:

GET /products: Lists all products from the API;

GET /products/:id: Retrieves one product from the API based on its id;

POST /products: Creates a new product on the API;

PUT /products/:id: Updates a product on the API;

DELETE /products/:id: Deletes a product from the API based on its id.

Starting up the API

Still inside the api directory, run php artisan serve to make sure the API is up and running locally.

Running the app

Now inside the mobile directory, run yarn ios or yarn android to boot your simulator or emulator and wait for the app to load and start.