
I need help

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hello. I saw the Simulink model of DFIG and I understood it but I am stuck at the DFIG_BESS. I couldn't understand how it is working and how it is controlled as well. I also tried to add crowbar protection together with BESS but on the simulation, only the crowbar effect is shown can you please help me or send me some kind of explanation of the BESS and how it improves the fault ride-through capability.

Thank you in advance

Hi eunjoya,

I recently uploaded a 03 DFIG-BESS folder, it has a simulink file (Test_01.slx) that contains a grid test with one block for the DFIG and another to BESS. I didn't study fault cases, because my research area is about frequency support, but I think that the bibliography that applied will be useful for you:

  • Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications (Wiley - IEEE) Haitham Abu-Rub (Author), Mariusz Malinowski (Author), Kamal Al-Haddad (Author). (Chapter 10)
  • Doubly Fed Induction Machine: Modeling and Control for Wind Energy Generation (ISBN: 978-0-470-76865-5). (Gonzalo Abad; Jesus Lopez; Miguel A. Rodrıguez; Luis Marroyo; Grzegorz Iwanski). (Chapter 2)

Regarding the control of the BESS, it is carried out in a similar way to the GSC (Grid side converter of the DFIG), you can find more information about the control strategy in chapter two (more specific: 2.4.2 Dynamic modeling of the Grid Side System) of the Double Fed Induction Machine book (N ° 2 of the bibliography). 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Hi! I tried to run your RSC and GSC diagram in simulink and it appears numerous errors, are these programs still working? what is the functionality of powergui? do I have to install some library or something else for it to run? how should I run your program? Thanks in advance!

Hi Lusc Armstrong 2, sorry for the delay! Did you try to run the parameter .m file before? Run .m file in matlab environment to load all variables the simulink needs.